Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat

wamkat: Today, 14.00 h. @Reichstag-wiese, Probably longest #antiatom banner in the world (under construction) (an our kitchen of course)

Posted: 10 Oct 2009 12:05 AM PDT

wamkat: Today, 14.00 h. @Reichstag-wiese, Probably longest #antiatom banner in the world (under construction) (an our kitchen of course)

wamkat: today, do not forget, 14.00 h. @reichstagwiese pr

Posted: 10 Oct 2009 12:04 AM PDT

wamkat: today, do not forget, 14.00 h. @reichstagwiese pr

wamkat: I have a small problem,I wouild like to visit my sons in Denmark next weekend, but also the antiatompeople here like food,is there no cook..

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 12:19 PM PDT

wamkat: I have a small problem,I wouild like to visit my sons in Denmark next weekend, but also the antiatompeople here like food,is there no cook..

wamkat: on my way to berlin to prepare the cooking for the longest #antiatom banner (at least in germany) tomorrow in front of reichstag (14.00) …

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 01:09 AM PDT

wamkat: on my way to berlin to prepare the cooking for the longest #antiatom banner (at least in germany) tomorrow in front of reichstag (14.00) …

wamkat: the trainspeaker is telling us already 5 min. that we will arrive in charlotteburg, charlotteburg,charlotteburg,charlotteburg,char…

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 01:02 AM PDT

wamkat: the trainspeaker is telling us already 5 min. that we will arrive in charlotteburg, charlotteburg,charlotteburg,charlotteburg,char…

wamkat: on my way to berlin to prepare the cooking for the longest #antiatom banner (at least in germany) tomorrow in front of reichstag (14.00) …

Posted: 09 Oct 2009 12:01 AM PDT

wamkat: on my way to berlin to prepare the cooking for the longest #antiatom banner (at least in germany) tomorrow in front of reichstag (14.00) …

wamkat: I have been a lot of times during and after the war in Siroki Brijeg, I was not surprised when I heard about what happened there last su …

Posted: 08 Oct 2009 11:07 PM PDT

wamkat: I have been a lot of times during and after the war in Siroki Brijeg, I was not surprised when I heard about what happened there last su …

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