Dezember 2009

Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: RT @indymediagerman: Jukss Elmshorn: Von Polizei besucht…: Die Elmshorner Polizei wollte gestern (29.12.09) in das.. wamkat: at least 1/3 of all food in Europe is thrown away, it is illegal to eat it, elsewehere people die from hunger, it is a sick world… #jukss wamkat: Wondering if I meet my …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: I biked 7 Km through virgin snow this morning,beautifull,saw only one fox,no other animal as us two dare to go out in the whitning world wamkat: Hardly No money or will to do anything against the climatechange, but 1 Bil. for Fireworks,thank you Europeans in the name of planet earth wamkat: …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 are there people who have fotos from our #rampenplan kitchen in #christiania or at #klimaforum or one of our soupbike? wamkat: noch mal was foto von #rampenplan at #cop15 wamkat: @yetzt und viele dank für die muhe, muss nach soviele jahre selber auch mal wieder einmal die #Jukss besuchen …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: It looked so hopefull yesterday ( we were nearly snowed in, but it all disappeared last night… Posted: 26 Dec 2009 01:14 AM PST wamkat: It looked so hopefull yesterday ( we were nearly snowed in, but it all disappeared last night… wamkat: @Oekodorf Yes, #effilee is a neues …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: I am wondering why the television always broadcast so many violent movies on christmas. Strange I thought it was the feast of peace… wamkat: I am wondering why the television always broadcast so many violent movies are shown at christmas.Strange I thought it was the feast of peace wamkat: You are …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: @ChristianiaNews You can say a lot from me but I am not a „Sir“ (by the way that means cheese (ost) in croatian/serbian)… wamkat: @rstein #cop15 gaarkeuken den troag, kontonr. 5402176018, raiffeisenbank selfkant,blz.37069354 (mit kenmerk cop15) wamkat: @Oekodorf In die neue #effilee ist ein schoenes artikel mit mir und ueber die …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: Denmark, PLEASE let those 4 Greenpeace activist Juantxo, Nora, Christian and Joris free, it was a great action, the endangered nobody… Posted: 23 Dec 2009 12:27 AM PST wamkat: Denmark, PLEASE let those 4 Greenpeace activist Juantxo, Nora, Christian and Joris free, it was a great action, the endangered nobody… wamkat: …

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24 rezepten

Wam Kat, ein niederländischer Aktivist und Autor, sorgte in den 70er und 80er Jahren mit seiner Volxküche Rampenplan (dt. Katastrophenplan) für die Verpflegung hunderter Leute auf diversen Veranstaltungen. Dabei sind jede Menge Rezepte entstanden, die Wam Kat für dieses Buch gesammelt hat. Untermalt werden diese jeweils mit einer Episode aus seinem Leben. Diese reichen von …

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WELTPOLITIK: Suppe fuer 8000 Demonstranten

Zegg Belzig präsentiert sich aktiv und hoffnungsfroh beim alternativen Klimagipfel KOPENHAGEN – „A different life is possible – create sustainable ecovillages“ (Ein anderes Leben ist möglich – kreiiert zukunftsfähige Ökodörfer), lautete die Aufschrift auf dem leuchtend gelben Transparent. Ina Meyer-Stoll und Achim Ecker aus Belzig haben sich damit in einer der zahlreichen Demonstrationen am Rande …

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Wam Kat ist kein Koch. Und doch bekocht er und sein Team Massen von mehreren tausend Menschen, etwa auf G8-Protesten, entlang der Castor-Transporte, in Flüchtlingslagern des Balkankrieges. Das 1981 zu diesem Zweck gegründete Kochkollektiv „Rampenplan“ (niederländisch für Katastrophenschutzplan) musste in seinen Anfängen erst mal zum Schweißgerät greifen, da Töpfe mit 400 Litern Fassungsvermögen und geeignete …


Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 I am so glad that the snow, ice and cold came at the end of the conference we never had made it to cook when it would come earlier wamkat: #cop15 gaarkeuken den troag, kontonr. 5402176018, raiffeisenbank selfkant,blz.37069354 wenn das vokü verlust ein bisschen kleiner machen wil wamkat: #cop15 #rampenplan …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 dear demostrators we have some teardasfree soap left in the #rampenplan kitchen at #christiania, be there before the helicopters Posted: 16 Dec 2009 03:18 AM PST wamkat: #cop15 dear demostrators we have some teardasfree soap left in the #rampenplan kitchen at #christiania, be there before the helicopters You are subscribed …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 the actions against the global agroculture politics yesterday was violentfree and the joint peoplekitchens shared many vegaburgers Posted: 15 Dec 2009 09:08 PM PST wamkat: #cop15 the actions against the global agroculture politics yesterday was violentfree and the joint peoplekitchens shared many vegaburgers You are subscribed to email updates from …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 cooked nearly for 1500 people rice this evening plus about 600 liters of soup in the afternoon, our kitchen is full in action Posted: 14 Dec 2009 11:27 AM PST wamkat: #cop15 cooked nearly for 1500 people rice this evening plus about 600 liters of soup in the afternoon, our …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 the kitchen spend so far 50.000 Euro; and got only 15.000 Euro; donations, hope the coming days we will get some more financial support wamkat: I hope not all people leave #cop15 enhagen today since we still have tons of good vegan food wamkat: #cop15 #rampenplan we made about 2000 …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: #cop15 für die deutschen in Kopenhagen der heutige #taz gibt es in die Rampenplan vokü im Christiania und gute suppe auch Posted: 12 Dec 2009 12:29 AM PST wamkat: #cop15 für die deutschen in Kopenhagen der heutige #taz gibt es in die Rampenplan vokü im Christiania und gute suppe auch wamkat: …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: we are in christiania now, first danish newspaper i read this said: Danish people say atompower yes thanks… #cop15 wamkat: we made it on the ferry, just one hurdle to go, the danish customs, pray that the are friendly today, we have 2 tons of food for #cop15 wamkat: – …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: – Just reloaded 2,5 tons of food, after a detour via Wendland the food for Copenhagen finally arrive here Posted: 05 Dec 2009 05:29 AM PST wamkat: – Just reloaded 2,5 tons of food, after a detour via Wendland the food for Copenhagen finally arrive here You are subscribed …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: Copenhagen we are coming… and please mr. police do NOT take our knives and big spoons at the border, we need them for VEGAN cooking.#cop15 wamkat: Danke am das netz, problem gelöst, gibt es zufallig auch noch 2 oder 3 freiwilliger die morgen in Weitzgrund bei abladen helfen wollen 🙂 wamkat: …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: My son is travelling in Bangla Desh,Loas and China in the coming months,he likes to visit „developement“ project, anybody with ideas where? Posted: 02 Dec 2009 04:20 AM PST wamkat: My son is travelling in Bangla Desh,Loas and China in the coming months,he likes to visit „developement“ project, anybody with ideas …

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Twitter / wamkat

Twitter / wamkat wamkat: this (YouTube wamkat: Come on those last 15 ecotopians to fill uo the first 1000 are niot that hard to find, is it, join us at wamkat: Nice to see the difference in organisation between people kitchens and t… (YouTube wamkat: To prepare yourself on the food during …

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