Twitter / wamkat

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wamkat: Tommorow the election will be here in germany, still no neo-nazi poster here in the town,that was different in Kassel und Gelsenkirchen

Posted: 06 Jun 2009 03:39 AM PDT

wamkat: Tommorow the election will be here in germany, still no neo-nazi poster here in the town,that was different in Kassel und Gelsenkirchen

wamkat: Today is worldfoodday!!! we are living in a world where there are about as many people dying from eating to much as from hunger, ….

Posted: 05 Jun 2009 10:25 AM PDT

wamkat: Today is worldfoodday!!! we are living in a world where there are about as many people dying from eating to much as from hunger, ….

wamkat: Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #activist #cook #envir

Posted: 05 Jun 2009 10:23 AM PDT

wamkat: Just added myself to the twitter directory under: #activist #cook #envir

wamkat: Today is worldfoodday!!! we are living in a world where there are about as many people dying from eating to much as from hunger, ….

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 09:20 PM PDT

wamkat: Today is worldfoodday!!! we are living in a world where there are about as many people dying from eating to much as from hunger, ….

wamkat: Today is worldfooday!!! we are living in a world where there are about as many people dying from eating to much as from hunger, ….

Posted: 04 Jun 2009 04:35 PM PDT

wamkat: Today is worldfooday!!! we are living in a world where there are about as many people dying from eating to much as from hunger, ….

wamkat: Another day in Paradise… forget it… will spend the whole day in Berlin to get some cooking gigs organised, I feel like a bandmanager…

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 11:31 PM PDT

wamkat: Another day in Paradise… forget it… will spend the whole day in Berlin to get some cooking gigs organised, I feel like a bandmanager…

wamkat: FInally back home in the forest, what a difference after hours of trainsitting…

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 03:46 PM PDT

wamkat: FInally back home in the forest, what a difference after hours of trainsitting…

wamkat: On my way home,grilled vegan for 15 or so journalists and they liked it, I was also surprised it was years ago that I made a grill fire 🙂

Posted: 03 Jun 2009 09:20 AM PDT

wamkat: On my way home,grilled vegan for 15 or so journalists and they liked it, I was also surprised it was years ago that I made a grill fire 🙂

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